Need Cash today! Get Cash Today!! Personal Loan!!!

Personal loans are debts people take from financial institutions to cater for their personal needs. Personal loans can help you realise your dream of completing your or your children’s education by paying the necessary tuition and or boarding fees. It can help you have that perfect wedding or make come true visit to to a dream holiday destination.

It can also help meet your personal cash need to meet unexpected medical expenses, home improvement or car repairs expenses.

Banks, non-bank Finance companies offer personal loans to consumers on installment basis. When you are granted a personal loan, you will be paid a lump sum of cash up front. You will also be required to pay back the loan plus interest within an agreed period of time.

Why you should take a personal loan

Some of the reasons why you should take a personal loan include:

To Pay School Fees

Parents certainly would like to provide the best education facilities to your children. In today’s scenario, even getting admission to any top quality primary, secondary or tertiary educational schools and institutions will cost you a lot of money per year.

Paying a hefty amount in a single transaction can create a financial crisis but at the same time, you would not want to compromise on your child’s education too. Now, with Opticom Personal Loan for School Fee Funding you can conveniently pay your child’s school fees over 12 months or more. Get instant money to complete the study requirements of your children.

Paying for Medical Care/Procedure

A personal loan can go a long way in helping those willing to get medical care or procedure.

At Opticom, we can finance the cost of medical treatments and procedures like cosmetic surgery. You just need to speak with us if you need a personal loan to cater for your medical expenses.

Home Improvement or Repair

You can take a personal loan to make your home look more beautiful and comfortable. A personal loan can help you achieve your dream of living in a well furnished apartment.

At Opticom, we have been able to provide personal loans for home improvement work like furnishing, upgrade of furniture and interior decoration etc.


A lot of us like our wedding or engagement parties to be one in town, but the cash requirement can be enormous. We like to paint the town red when signing the dotted lines with our heartthrobs.

A personal loan can help you achieve this dream if you are cash strapped.

To meet Vacation Cost & Expenses

A lot of us want to enjoy our holidays in a different clime. If you are cash strapped and you want to holiday abroad or locally, you can consider taking our personal loan.

Are you worrying how you will fund the next holiday for yourself and your family? If yes, then, you can speak with us about our personal loan.

Buying household electronics or mobile gadgets

Our personal loan can be used to finance the purchase of household gadgets like gas cookers, televisions and air conditioners etc.

You can also use our personal loan to purchase mobile gadgets like smart phones and tablets.

Talk to us today to discuss your loan needs.


  • N15 million Meeting admission, tuition & boarding fees in a IV league USA University
  • 5 million Balance for the purchase of a brand new car
  • 8 million To help buy a car for Uber service
  • N2 million For a Medical procedure
  • N550,000 To replace a car engine and repair work